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2022 Board of Directors Student Member Candidate Submissions

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PAEA is accepting nominations for the Student Member at Large position on the PAEA Board of Directors.

This position provides a wonderful opportunity for a student leader to

·       Further develop leadership skills

·       Make important professional connections

·       Get an inside look at how PAEA works

·       Learn about the major issues in health care and higher education

·       Provide the student perspective on PA education to the Board of Directors.


Term of Office: The term for the student member-at-large will begin January 1, 2022, and end December 31, 2023.

Candidates must have student status in a PAEA member program as of September 1, 2021.

Program Director Certification Form

Selection Process: Applications can be submitted until Friday, July 30, 2021, 5:00 p.m. ET. Selected applicants will be invited to participate in phone interviews in mid August, and the final candidate will be selected in early September.

Please contact Ashley Bray - ABray@PAEAonline.org with any questions.